This time, i brought my lil' baby to medan for her vaccination. Why? because I need to do a lot of injection for this time old, so I need extra information for this which i couldn't find in Langsa Peds. Besides, sometime, In Langsa, they run out of the vaccine.
Anyway, in this age, Nadya should vaccine for Dipthery, Petrusis, Tetanus, Polio, Hib, and Hepatitis B. Thanks God, nowadays, they have the combo injection. So nadya need only 2 injection, which the doctor says simultan. So, Nadya got injection on her left and right thigh.
How was she when the ped inject her? the firsh shot, she was just silent, but the second, she cried. However, the crying is over within 1 minute, Then she back to the were she was. :)
Anyway, her progress (that was also checked), weight is 7,1 kg and 68 cm in height.
Keep healthy baby.. ^_^