Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year Eve

Cemana ini, aq lom  ada rencana tuk ngerayain taon baru? Bingung aq mau kemana, secara ga pernah taon baru di langsa. Padahal di bilang udah lama tinggal disini ya udah siy... cuma yah emang ga pernah ada disini pas taon barunya. dulu tinggal di bna ampe tamat esema, trus pindah medan and akhirnya baru plg ke langsa. Tapi yah karena langsa deket medan akhirnya sering ke medan juga.

3 taon belakangan ini malah ga pernah ngerayain taon baru di Indo.. *angkat dagu* sombong dikit.. haha
Malam Taon 2009 di Malaysia, taon 2010 di Singapore and taon 2011 di Ausiie, Makanya agak sengok suntok taon ini. Nanya ma kawan "yg jelas2 limited bgt" mau taon baruan dimana, jawabannya beraneka ragam, dari yang positive ampe negative.

All about eleven

Don't know where this kind of work begun, but it's seem it doesn't a wrong thing to do. My friend Ami asked me to answer some questions. Perhaps, by doing this you guys will know me better.
So.. Let Begin..

Fisrt, Let me tell you 11 fact about me
1. Love traveling
2. Love watching movies and serial tv *western one* like grey anatomy, prison break, lie to me, csi- ny, etc
3. I spent my money more on traveling than shopping
4. Have been learning about photography, but still not good enough *asal ceklik belajar sendiri*

Monday, December 26, 2011

Honesty, that's what we need

I always think that people in my surrounding is lack of honesty. They tell a lie to every one and even to their selves. They don't show what they have in their mind, so that sometimes it makes them look hypocritical. Perhaps it's because our habit *even actually we just can't blame it* to considerate other peoples' feeling so that those people won't get offended, or maybe you just don't wanna look bad.

Maybe, i also have those bad habit *always think about people* which at the end don't have a courage to tell the truth, except for something crucial. But, at least i have been trying to build my honesty level.

So Guys, Let's improve our:

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The non-understandable Sign..

Ga tau arti *bahasa arab*
Kayaknya siy dilarang masuk yah..

Hey Tukang Kredit, Stop calling me

"te no net...te no net..." *bunyi nada dering yg susah di describe*

Langsung aq ambil hp and liat sapa yang nelp.. and ternyata itu nomer dari jakarta (ada 021 nya).
Curiga, tpi penasaran juga, jadinya di jawab ajah...

Me : Halllo...
Caller : Dengan ibu Ulfa rahmi? (dikiranya udah ibu2 kali yah)
Me : yes.. ini sapa yah?
Caller : ini dari perusahan kartu kredit HS*C ingin menawarkan program terbaru, bla..bla.. ada waktu sebentar?
Me : Not now, I am busy, call me later..
Caller:Maaf sudah mengganggu.. (jelas2 mengganggu)

Untuk beberapa kalinya itu tukang kredit credit card company called me. Ya tujuan nya cuma menawarkan produknya itu. klo dya belum sempat jelasin, they keep calling u..
Akhirnya dya kembali menelpon, and kali ini aq dengerin. Penjelasannya itu paanjaaaaaaaaaaang banget. hamper mati kebosanan nunggunya. And tiap kali selesai menjelaskan satu poin dya bilang "mengerti ya bu" dikiranya kita bodoh apa..  After all of the explanation they will say "bisa qta bantu untuk administrasinya" yang artinya "ibu mau yah pake kartu kredit qta?". The hardest part is susah kali nolaknya itu orang. qta bilang ini dya bilang itu... hadeeeeuuhh... Emang harus to d point kalo ga mau, and agak kasar tegas tuk say no. Thanks god, Akhirnya aq bisa menarik nafas panjang.

Belum siap menikmati ketenangan, eh udah ada tukang-tukang yang lainnya.. mulai dari tukang asuransi jiwa and kesehatan ampe orang2 yang menawarkan investasi THH(tahapapa).

Ntah darimana lah mereka dapat no telp aq.. Jadinya, tiap ada telp yang awalannya 021, tak pernah q jawab lagi..

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

First song from him

Lagu ini emang agak melow gtu, and sesuai banget ama keadaan waktu itu. Niy lagu di kirim ama si dya waktu qta lagi agak ga enakan gtu.. ecek-eceknya hampir mau berakhir semuanya lah.. Tapi entah kenapa ga jadi.. :) I guess it's all because love is irrational.

Akhirnya tiap dengar lagu ini teringat si kawan deh.. :-*

Syarat Kenaikan Pangkat

Bagi yang mau ngurus kenaikan pangkat niy syaratnya, ga tau apa tiap daerah sama, but this is the requirement for Kota Langsa:
Harap melampirkan fotokopi bahan sbb:

1. SK CPNS (80%)
2. SK PNS (100%)
3. SK Mutasi (klo ada pindah-pindah kantor, yg terakhir ajah)
4. SK Pangkat terakhir
5. DP3 2 tahun terakhir
6. Karpeg
7. NIP Baru
8. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
9. Daftar Riwayat Pekerjaan
10. PBB (ga tau apa hub naek pangkat dengan byr pajak bumi bangunan, ntah klo NPWP)

Berhubung aq cepet ngajuin karena baru selesai s-2 maka ditambah persyaratannya:
1. Ijazah
2. Transkrip
3. Penyetaraan Ijazah dari Dikti (karena universitas luar negeri)

@ Office, Ngajuin Kenaikan Pangkat ^_^

Cuti udah 2 taon and baru ajah keluar surat aktif kembali kemaren, sekarang aq langsong melangkah ke step selanjutnya, yaitu URUS KENAIKAN PANGKAT. :D

Maybe people will think it's a bit weird.. udah lama absen cuti, tiba-tiba masuk kantor udah maen ngurus naek pangkat ajah. But, who cares what people might think. As long as I am on the right track, i'll keep on moving. Itulah keistimewan pegawe yang dapat tugas belajar. Seharusnya siy naek pangkat baru taon depan, tapi karena punya surat sakti tugas belajar dari walikota plus gelar master, langsunglah aq mengajukan kenaikan pangkat itu. Emang udah dalam peraturannya begitu, bagi yg punya ijazah master bisa langsung penyesuaian ke gol III/b, dengan syarat ada surat tugas belajar yah. Klo ga punya itu surat, bisa dianggap ilegal and bisa-bisa ga diakui gelarnya *Ribet ngurusnya*.

I am so grateful to be given such a good opportunity and that's why lately I'm a bit busy to do all the stuff for that. *it's all about bureaucracy* tapi masih sempat ngeblog kok.. :D

Monday, December 19, 2011

Today, @ My Office...

Memang lah bapak-bapak itu dimana-mana sama ajah, mo di kantoran swasta ato pns, di pasar or dimana lah, kalo emang udah gatal ganjen, ga bisa di bilang lagi. Maunya dya itu sebelum keluar rumah garok dulu dirumah, biar gatal nya ilang.. *ato mungkin kelamaan menggarok jadi makin gatal*

Aq kan dah lama ga masuk kantor, cuti hamper 2 taon karena jalan-jalan sekolah. Akhirnya masuk kantor awal bulan 12 kemaren. Yaaah, karena masih kebawa rasa malas *kelamaan ga kerja*, akhirnya ga masok kerja lagi hamper 2 minggu *lagian surat aktif kerja juga ga siap-siap, gaji pun tetap di potong tuk bulan ini* and baru hari ini masok lagi *untuk ngurus tuh surat sakti*

Eniwey, karena udah lama ga masuk, byk pegawai yg udah di ganti. and ternyata ada bapak-bapak yang dulu sebidang ma aq (skr udah pindah) datang and akhirnya ketemuan lah. Udah suatu kebiasaan lah klo qta udah lama ga masok salam-salaman tuk cari muka tanda hormat ajah. Tapi klo aq siy salamannya liat-liat orang dulu khususnya tuk bapak-bapak. Jadi salaman di ujung jari ajah. Jadi, jumpa lah ma bapak ex coworker ini, lupa aq kalo dya ini orangnya agak ganjen (tapi langsung ingat right after i shook hand) and dengan segera aq tau dya kayak mau glitikin telapak tangan pake telunjuknya itu pas qta salaman *kebiasaan cowok gatal* yang paling aq benci sebenci-bencinya. Karena gelagatnya udah mau begitu, makanya dengan segera aq campakkan tangannya itu and ga sengaja ke ceplos ngomong:

Me : "Eh pak, udah dua taon ga ketemu, ga berubah-berubah juga yah, Masih ajah GATAL!!"
Bapak itu : senyam senyum cengengesan...

Sorry pak klo bpk tersinggung, secara juga rame orang pas ngomong itu. Tapi itu emang suara hati dari lubuk yang terdalam *ga melewati otak lagi*  and pastinya yang paling jujur..
Mungkin pegawe-pegawe yang laen pada heran, si ulfa ini jarang-jarang ngomong (aq ga suka banyak omong kalo ga perlu, cukup mendengarkan and senyum-senyum sajah) tapi klo udah ga senang langsung nyalak.. 

and Just so you know, I'm not that kind of girl...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Beware of Link on FB!!!

Baiklah, untuk meredam esmosi jiwa mendingan nulis disini. Ceritanya tadi tuh agak2 shock gtu. Awal ceritanya tadi aq dapet twit dri temen q si dita (big thanks to u ^_^), nanyain aq ngirim link apa di wallnya. Ya aq bingung dong, secara ga ngirim apa2. Lagian akhir2 ini emang udah jarang nge publish or nge update status di fb. Cuma hari ini agak giat ajah ngutak-ngatik fb secara tampilannya baru walopun agak membuat yg liat bingung.
Tampilan Facebook yangg baru  ini bisa ngeliat status jaman baheulak, yah namanya siy timeline gtu. penasaran ama tampilan baru and banyak item2 baru itu jadi aq sibuk nge update. Seru siy tapi yah itu agak semak.. Ada cover nya, trus wallnya kayak terbagi dua gitu plus ada life event. Klo perjalanan orangnya banyak and seru, keren juga dimasokin sini, biar menjampok sikit.. haha..  Ehhmm...Eeh kok malah ngomongin tampilan baru fb siy..

Kembali ke topik utama. So, karena temenq bilang aq nge post link, yah aq liat lah di wallnya. And when i saw it, i suddendly said.. "Bloody Hell, I didn't post something like this". Link nya itu aq ga tau isinya. Ga pernah nge klik juga apa lagi liat isinya. Tapi klo di liat dari gambar depan nya, kayak link jorok gtu. gambarnya macam gambar porno (maunya aq kasih liat disini, tp udh di hapos).. Bukannya mau negative thinking siy, tpi gambarnya membuat qta berfikir kesana (apa cuma aq yg berfikir jorok yah.. lol). ntah apa isi sebenarnya. ntah pun itu cuma tuk mancing2 doang biar qta nge klik. Ntah2 ada virus pula didalamnya..

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wedding Bed Sheet a.k.a Bed Cover

Sesuai dengan konsep aq, semuanya harus minimalist yet elegant. Masalah bed set udah selesai, tinggal tunggu tempahan lemari and meja riasnya ajah. Nah sekarang nyari sprei nya.
Sprei buat kamar q yang pasti harus minimalist, and yang bisa membuat si punya kamar adem. Jadi pas masuk kamar dapat deh suasana relaxnya yang bisa menenangkan pikiran and menarik tuk segera tidor.. :D
As I told u before at the previous post (here) aq ga suka kamar yang ribet, biasanya kan tuh kamar pengantin banyak banget rimpelnya. Pening aq liatnya. rumbai sana sini. Udah spreinya berimpel, bed covernya juga, bantal semua nya lah plus lagi dibelakang tempat tidor di dindingnya ditarok lagi ama kaen2 ntah apa. Udah pasti nyemak kali tuh.

Tapi emank, klo di aceh niy kamar penganten rasanya ga afdol klo ga dihias, trus di tengok2 ma tamu2. ntah tuk apa ntah, ga penting juga ngeliat2 gitu kan (walopun aq juga kdang kekgitu, haha ). So, untuk masalah itu, aku suruh ajah kamar umi yang dihias2, toh hiasan nya itu juga dapat dari paket pelaminan pengantinnya. Biarlah umi ma abi ngerasain kamar pengantin lagi.. haha...But, For my own room, it's a BIG NO NO!. Jadi tuk kamar aq, ga usah lah di dekor2 gtu. cukup beli bed cover biasa ajah tpi agak lebih mewah. i'll put my own decoration on my own. Bed sheet yang aq pengen siy kira2 begini:
 Mirip begini tapi beda warna
Simple but looks comfy

Invitation Card

Memang klo berurusan dengan hal-hal kecil begini tpi lumayan pengaruh buat acara itu malas kali. Cetak Undangan, kesannya sepele, tapi sejauh ini, ini yang paling ribet. Milih desain udah sebulan yang lalu, konfirm ini itu, ntah apa ga tau. Waktu itu yang milih desain and segala macamnya itu umi and abg plus istrinya. Pas aq pulang baru aq liat and yang pastinya belom siap. Buatnya siy di percetakan di medan, orang cina yang punya nya.

Konsep awal yang aq minta si undangan yang simple maksudnya biar murah (Padahal pelit.. :D) Tapi jadinya kelewat simple, apa krena nyokap nawar terlalu murah kali yah. Jadinya kok ga sesuai harapan aq lagi yah... :(

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Moslem in Qatar

It is obvious that every place has its own culture. But if it is about religion, should it be different? Ya dasar2 agamanya siy pastinya sama Qur'an and Hadist tapi ada beberapa pelaksanaanya yang beda kali ama orang2 di indo. And perbedaan itu ada beberapa yg klo aq pikir baek (org yg suka pake logika.. :D), tapi ya ada juga yang aq liatnya jadi aneh.

My first impression is about sholat. Aq pernah liat yah cewek2 arab itu sholat, cuma agak aneh ajah. Dasar gerakan sholatnya yah sama ajah ama semua orang, cuma klo diperhatikan mereka suka perbaikin jilbabnya (model pashmina yg dililit ajah). Kan pas ruku' ato sujud, suka jatoh jilbabnya, jadi detik itu pula mereka perbaikinnya. Seingat aq dulu pas waktu masih kecil2 belajar ngaji di TPA gitu, ustadnya bilang dalam sholat ga boleh gerak2 lebih dari tiga kali. ntahlah macam mana itu harusnya.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Jangan Jadi Cewek Bodoh!!

Hari ni, pas aq lagi enak2nya tidor-tidoran sambil ngenet, tiba-tiba dengar suara cowok yang ribot gitu. Aq kira tukang yang lagi kerja di sampeng rumah, jadi yah cuek ajah. Troz, tuh suara ga berenti2, malah nambah, aq jadi berfikir mungkin ada cowok-cowk yang lagi berantam pas lewat depan rumah. Trus karena penasaran, akhirnya ngintep sikit. Eh ternyata ada pasangan yg lagi marah-marahan. kayaknya anak-anak kuliahan yg masih pacaran.. (yaiyalah, klo dah kawen pasti berantemnya dirumah..). Cuman ga nyangka ajah ternyata suara sebesar itu untuk seorang cewek.

Karena rasa penasaran aq makin nambah plus heran, akhirnya aq jadi penonton. Pas kali lokasi kamar aq diatas, jadi memungkinkan tuk liat semua tanpa ketauan.. :D
But, after I saw it, I feel so sorry to the girl. Kok mau-maunya di bentak-bentak gitu ama cowok. suaranya itu emang asli besar kali. semua orang yg lalu lalang di depan rumah pada heran liat orang itu. Masalahnya itu cewek bukan cuma di bentak ajah, tapi dimaki juga. and yang parahnya lagi di dorong2, ampe tu cewek jatoh. Klo aq jadi tuh perempuan, udah q tinggal ajah laki2 itu. klo bisa di tendang ajah. Tapi niy perempuan cuma bisa diam and nangis. Bodoh kali kan... hadeeeuh... masih aja ada perempuan yang mau dijajah ma laki2..

Understand English Grammar, Passive

The most important thing that we have to remember is, the form of passive will always use "be + V3", in no matter what tenses tenses it uses.

Rules for tenses in all tenses
Tenses                                   Active Form                                Passive form
Sinple present tense                     v1                                             is/are V3
                                 Lisa drinks water                               Water is drunk by Lisa

Present Cont                      is/are + Ving                                 is/are being V3
                                Lisa is drinking water                 The water is being drunk by Lisa

Present Perfect             have/has + V3                             has/have + been + V3
                                Lisa has drunk the water            he water has been drunk by Lisa

Present Perfect Cont    has/have + been + Ving             has/have + been + being + V3
                        Lisa has been drinking the water           The water has been being drunk by Lisa

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Understand English Grammar, Article (a,an,the) easily

Try to have a good command of English? This is the first things you need to know. It's seem simple, but somehow many ESL people underestimate this. They think it's easy. When you have to write a good essay or writing at overseas universities then you will realize that articles is hard. Perhaps, when you take TOEFL also makes you realize that actually this section is hard.

The basic things that we already know about article is:
"a, an" is used for the very first time of speaking. It is also used for a vocal sound noun, ex (an axe, a banana, an hour, a university). Also, it is used for the countable noun.
Meanwhile, "the" is used for a definite noun that have been talked before, and for a clear situation.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Seems Like New Girl in My Old Office

After 2 years of absence, finally i get back to my "wonderful" office. Today I go to work for the first time since I took a leave to pursue my master degree. I am not resign from my job, I just take a permission from the government (as i am a government employee). As a government employee you are allowed to do that if only you have already working for about three years, and what good about it, I still get a full salary, but of course the other incentive is eliminated. I've been joining with the government since April 2005, so, it's been 6 year, and next year it would be 7 years. ( Woowww, I didn't notice that i've been working that long.. ^_^ ).

As I absent for that long, make me feel awkward when I step in to the office this morning. Feelings like I am a new girl, new employee... Well, it's kinda though. I realize there are a lot of new people that I don't recognize. Somehow I have to ask a lot with a friend who still work there. And Somehow, it feel like I am the new one, not them. But after a while they figure it out, that I have more experience (a.k.a senior) than them, though I am not that good..

Friday, December 2, 2011

Qatar Living

Pergi ke negara-negara lain emank pengalaman yang tak ternilai. Setiap daerah pastinya punya cara masing-masing kan yah. Di endonesa ajah ama yang di barat and timur beda, apalagi klo beda negara. Nah, kemaren ini baru ajah ke qatar, salah satu negara di middle east and merupakan gulf country juga (klo ga tau gulf country, cari di mbah gugel ajah ya.. :D ). Pasti tau laa klo orang-orang disitu yah orang arab. Emank yah, daerah mencerminkan banget ma orangnya. Disitu kan daerah yang tandus banget. belum turun dari pesawat ajah waktu itu, udah keliatan niy daratan kok putih semua. And at that time, all i can think, ooh this is how middle east look like..
One spot at Qatar

Negara-negara di daerah ini yang pastinya negara kaya, secara penghasil minyak. Harga minyak ajah lebih murah daripada aer minum. Makanya orang2 sono banyak pake mobil cc besar, not only because of the oil but also klo pke mobil cc kecil, ga sanggup ac nya ngedinginin udara... Tapi sayang, karena mereka menganggap banyak uang, mereka jadi agak sombong. Mereka menganggap mereka lah yang menggaji orang2 laen (yg beda nationalities). Mereka juga malas, sepertinya ya karena menganggap diri mereka kaya, sekolah nya kyknya ga terlalu peduli. And yang aku perhatiin mereka juga sok. Apalagi masalah pelayanan, klo udah mereka yang kerja, bisa-bisa mati kesal qta, di suruh tunggu ntah sampe kapan (sampe mood nya datang, and tergantung dya senang ama negara qta ato ga). Peraturan dibuat untuk dilanggar (khusus buat mereka) karena orang lain harus patuh. Denda nya mahal2 bgt (mungkin buat mreka ga tll mahal)... Belum lagi qta ga boleh macam2 ma orang itu, klo ga yah bisa-bisa di deportasi. Orang bule ajah, musti ngalah klo disana. Pernah yah dulu ke kantor mereka, kayak kantor satu atap gitu, mau ngurus perpanjangan visa, aq ngambil no antrian, padahal yah itu cuma 5 orang lagi. Tapi karena orang kampong (qtr) datang, mereka langsung dilayani. ntah klo cuma satu, ini datang2 teros... akhirnya musti tunggu berjam-jam.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lagi Kemarok Posting Niy... :D

Akhir-akhir ini, aq banyak posting. Ntah kenapa bisa jadi kerajinan gtu. Tapi yang pastinya karena ga ada kerjaan laen :D. Selalu tergoda tuk nongkrong di depan laptop, ngenet and ujung-ujungnya yah fb-an or twitter-an. Apa lagi semenjak balek kampong, lebih ga ada kerjaan, klo ga net yah tv, ato tidor. :)) Jadi, pastinya bakalan banyak lah yg aq tulis, mulai dari yang ga penting sampe yang lebih ga penting.. LoL, just to have fun...

Cek Fb or twitter keknya udah hampir tiap menit, ampe ga tau apa yang musti di liat. Browsing juga udah capek. Ya akhirnya mending posting ajah, itung2 tuk kill my time laa.. sekalian bisa share juga. Dulu siy males bgt nulis secara liat blog temen, pada bagus2 kali tulisannya, formal lagi, but after a while, i found my own style of writing. Makanya dulu pertama kali bikin blog yah tuk postingin foto2 yang aku ambil di setiap kali aq jalan.

Wedding Bed Set

Facing the most important day in your life is not an easy things to do. A lot of preparation. Actually this kind of preparation is not that important for me. But, since it already inherited from the ancient Achenese people, preparing the furniture including the decoration is a must.

I don't like my room to be decorated like the wedding room that i've seen before. Too many things in just a little space. It seem so complicated, so many sculpture on the wood of the furniture (the bed and the bed side, the wardrobe, and the dressing table with the mirror) and because it will be to hard to clean. Furthermore, the decoration on the sheet and bed cover can make me get headache, to many "rimpel" and tassel. A lot of like "kaen brokat" combine with the main material. And that's not include other accessories yet.. hufft..

So, what is on my mind is to have something modern, simple yet beautiful and elegant a.k.a minimalist. So, when i enter my room, i'll found a peacefulness. Just like when you enter a 4 or 5 star hotel, clean, calm, and comfort, So the room that will be decorated will be my mums room (since it located in the 1st storey, and it already include on the wedding decoration/pelaminan), and my room will be my own decoration which i can say "no decoration" hehe.. I will choose my own furniture and bed cover which has a minimalist idea in it. ^_^

What a long day

Belum juga menginjakkan kaki di rumah, udah panjang buanget list yang harus aq lakukan. Padahal capek kali ah niy badan, tapi apa mau dikata, my family said that it was a good time. Dari pada pulang dulu ke Aceh terus balek lagi ke Medan untuk urusan "yang itu" kan lebih capek.

Yes, after a long journey from Qatar, my mums takes me to many places in preparation of my wedding. She told me whatever she has done and she want me to see it whether i like it or not. So right after I landed, we went to the furniture shop. Since she already ordered the bed set made of Jati (except for the bed) she want me to see it. I don't like something complicated, i like something simple. So, i saw the design and choose the color.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Unforgetable Nieces and Nephew in Qatar

I am happy that i am in my hometown now, but, I also so sad leaving my little and cute nephew and nieces. We had been together for the last two months. We play, do homework, eat, go, and even sleep together. I used to sleep all alone, but since there I am used to sleep together with people. And suddenly when I get back here, I have to sleep all alone again. Feel so quite and empty. I miss them alot.

Eventhough they are sometime annoying but that are actually the things that make my life more live and dynamic. Everyday is different with various kind of behavior and action.

Jet Lag

Akhirnya nyampe juga di kampong halaman. Yup, I'm in Indonesia now particularly at Langsa. Seneng karena bisa ketemua bonyok (bokap nyokap) and juga akhirnya bisa tidor di tempat tidor yang aq anggap paling nyaman, tapi sedih juga karena ninggalin para keponaan yang udah biasa sama2 aq.. Dua bulan terakhir aq selalu menghabiskan waktu bersama mereka.

Anyway, talking about my journey in my way home, since it takes 8 hours flight from west to east, kyknya jetlag parah niy. Diperparah ya karena habes 8 jam perjalanan dari Doha-KL harus nunggu di airport KLIA hampir 7 jam tuk nunggu pesawat selanjutnya ke medan. Jadi ajah aq kayak gembel di airport KL tidor di kursi (krn ga boleh tidor si musholla nya..) Beda waktu qatar ama indo sama dengan beda waktu ostrali-indo sama2 beda 4 jam, bedanya klo qatar lebih lambat 4 jam klo ostrali lebih cepet.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Leaving On the Jet Plane

Finally the day is coming. Tonight i'll  be leaving for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and will continue to go to Medan, Indonesia. The flight will take for about 8 hours from Doha-KL, using Qatar Airways and take another 1 hour flight from KL-Medan by using Malaysian Airlines. It will be so boring since it is a very2 long time....

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Donat Kentang

Hari niy lagi2 aq bikin kue... Jadi tabah cooking skill aq... lets check it out...

1. 500 g wheat flour
2. 200 g mash potato
3. 11 g Yeast
4. 2 Egg
5. 3 spoon milk powder
6. 2 spoon margarine
7. Sugar ( depend usually 3 spoon)
8. emulsifier (ovallet)

Forbidden Kissing

Did you see the advertisement of Benetton lately which has been advertised a few weeks ago? What do you think about it? Is it insulting? ot maybe you found it quite cool?

It is q bit controversial, but for me, this is a good way and brilliant area in promoting the Un-Hate.. People all around the world is hating each other. And all of sudden people are fighting each other whether it is between the countries, tribes, religion and so on...

However, religion is the most sensitive one, especially between moslem and christian/Jewish. So I don't think Benetton should post this kind of photo:

The image of Pope Benedict XVI ‘kissing’ Sheikh el Tayeb, imam of the renowned al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo

MeetBall and Noodle

Akhir2 ini sering ngepost recipes, ya maklum ajah selama di qatar, kakak sering banget buat masakan, Jadi qta buat bareng2.. Kali ini qta buat meatball and mie basah.. Gampang banget asalkan alatnya mendukung ajah.

1. 1 Kg mince beef 
2. 400 g tapioca (depend on person)
3. Salt
4. Pepper
5. Garlic
6. 4 Egg
7. 1 tsp Bicarbonate/baking powder

All of the ingredients are mixed all together and then shape it into small ball and boiled it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bolu Gulung a.k.a Swiss Roll

Hari ni belajar bikin bolu gulung ma kakak tercinta, lagi2 pake resep dya.. Cobain yah.. it's so yummy..

1. 10 egg yolk
2.   2 egg wgite
3. 125 g butter (thawed)
4. 125 g sugar
5. 100 g flour (already include 2 spoon of milk powder and 2 spoon of corn starch)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Engagement Day

Baru nyadar klo hari ni tuh tanggal 21 yah.. Guess what, it's my engagement date. Aq siy biasanya buakn tipe-tipe orang yang memperingati suatu tanggal apalagi cuma tuk bulanan, klo tahunan ga masalah laa... But this time, muncul pula sifat lebay... jadi agak-agak mau memperingati hari pertunangan gitoh, yang padahal cuma baru itungan bulan. Yup, today, tepat 5 bulan aq bertunangan dengan si dya...

Tribute to the Wedding

After giving a thought, finally I mad a decision to share and write something about my preparation to my wedding. Well, Honestly, I don't prepare anything.. haha... I still busy with my self going to another country.. Yes, I am in Qatar now. And the fact is my wedding is so close, In The beginning of February next year which is in  2 months and 15 days, it's gonna be held, Inshaallah... I am so excited to the most sacred events in my life but of course so afraid since i'm gonna enter to the married life. I still think that married is a hard to live with (no more freedom... :p)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I am a 80s girl

Gini Lah naseb jadi turis yang lagi berlibur terus ga ada kenderaan mo keluar, jadinya sibuk kotak-katik blog and ngenet seharian. Ntah apa ajah pun yang udah diliat... And one of the thing is I found out this interesting wall picture on my friends' facebook page.

My Astrological Sign

Pas Lagi sibuk ngetwit, muncul twit orang yang kebetulan aq follow... It said about my astrological sign behavior.. check this out. Whether is right or not, I am happy to read it.. and only you can decide this right or not..

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gara-gara Ibu-ibu arab....

Hari ini, qta ceritanya jalan-jalan.. setelah sekian lama teronggok dirumah macam E*q akhirnya qta pergi ke mall yang kata orang-orang disini terbagus, termewah, ter-ter semuanya la... Yaaa, bisa dibilang yang paling mewah and harga selangit lah. Dekorasi mallnya pun setelah aq liat, yaaa emank bagus siy...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Feeling in love

For the Past two years, you've been with me.. 
Doubts for you are almost gone, 
These lyrics is represent my feeling for you, one and only "ïpan"... ^_^

One and Only

You've been on my mind

I grow fonder every day,

Lose myself in time
Just thinking of your face
God only knows
Why it's taking me so long
To let my doubts go
You're the only one that I want

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kue Sus a.k.a Choux Pastry

My sister is a very diligent in making any kind of food. Since I arrive here (qatar) she show and ask me to help her making foods. Last week we make the dessert. And it was "Choux Pastry"a.k.a "kue sus"(bahasa Indonesia).

So Let see how do i make them (with my sista recipe).. :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Orang Indo Pemalas..

Kalo di liat dari judulnya pasti orang-orang langsung miker "enak ajah bilang orang endonesa pemalas". Tapi kenyataannya emang begitu, termasuk aq yang nulis.. hehe.. Tapi mo begimana lagi, emang kenyataannya begitu.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's So Modern, Yet still with Arabic atmosphere..

Finally, I am in Qatar. The first impression was, öh god.. this country is sooo barren, no trees, and it look so white yellowish from the sky (as i saw it a minute before landing).

And a minute after I went out from the plane, I felt so hot, barely couldn't breath. I think it was 40 degrees. I felt worse because it was dramatically changed since in the plane was so cold.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bebas Visa dari Indonesia, Which countries?

 For me as well as for the people who has a great sense of adventure to go abroad have to know which country should be visited without spending so much money.

Friday, September 2, 2011

2nd Awards

What a surprise... I got another award from my humble friend. And the things that I never expected is I received "The Inspirational Blog".. wow..

Friday, August 26, 2011

Pusiiiing hitung zakat...

Lately, just a week before Eid, My mums and dad are so busy of counting their properties. I didn't say that they have a lot, but at least their property such as gold or business are need to pay alms as it has reached the nasab.

 For me it a bit complicated to count everything, perhaps because I never really do it (i don't have any property.. hiks). For example for gold, they count how many gold they keep (the gold that they always use is not counted) and then they will take away for about 2,5% to give for the poor and other people who has right to receive.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What it is so special about ramadhan?

As a moslem, I will be very excited when the fasting month or Ramadhan  comes. Everyone will do a good deed to gain merit from Allah. We are expected to fasting from fajr till maghrib, with many kind of regulation such as no eating, drinking, lying, gossiping, and other things.

However, I believe some people is exaggerate it. Why people always say something that is not make sense for me. I am, perhaps, not a good moslem, but My mind just cannot except something I feel weird of.
Some of the sentence that I always heard is something like:

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ketika Derita Mengabadikan Cinta

This story is coming from my uncle Miftah who lives in America. Hopefully he will back soon because we all miz u cek ... ^_^

"Ketika Derita Mengabadikan Cinta"

"Kini tiba saatnya kita semua mendengarkan nasihat pernikahan untuk kedua mempelai yang akan disampaikan oleh yang terhormat Prof. Dr. Mamduh Hasan Al-Ganzouri . Beliau adalah Ketua Ikatan Dokter Kairo dan Dikrektur Rumah Sakit Qashrul Aini, seorang pakar syaraf terkemuka di Timur Tengah, yang tak lain adalah juga dosen kedua mempelai. Kepada Professor dipersilahkan. .."

 Suara pembawa acara walimatul urs itu menggema di seluruh ruangan resepsi pernikahan nan mewah di Hotel Hilton Ramses yang terletak di tepi sungai Nil, Kairo.

Seluruh hadirin menanti dengan penasaran, apa kiranya yang akan disampaikan pakar syaraf jebolan London itu. Hati mereka menanti-nanti mungkin akan ada kejutan baru mengenai hubungan pernikahan dengan kesehatan syaraf dari professor yang murah senyum dan sering nongol di televisi itu.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

is he/she the one?

Have you ever asked your self "is he/she the one for me?", "am i really love him/her?", "is he/she really love him?" or " is he/she the right person for me?" or maybe those question is not really matters for you. what matters is "am i ready to settle down?", "Do I have a strong commitment in building a marriage life?"

The first four questions are important for us especially for a modern woman/man who has a modern views of a relationship. We need to be sure that when we decide to get married, he/she should be someone that right for you, someone who has the thing that you want or expect. Someone you love and vice versa. But,

Friday, July 1, 2011

How sucks is grammar for you?

I'm sure everybody knows what grammar all about. For me, it is the most boring lesson. could be said that i hate grammar. We should know about the structure and everything. When i was in high school, i found it very difficult to learn about structure. I even hate learning my own language structure, the Bahasa.  

Learning English is also couldn't be separated from the grammar. Perhaps, we don't realize that we use a lot of grammar things when we talk about something. Wrong grammar could lead to a misunderstanding of one sentences. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Teruntuk Calon ImamKu ..Aku Hanya Wanita Biasa*::~

This Post is co-pas from friend on facebook.. LOve the posting, so that i'll re-post in here..

~::*Teruntuk Calon ImamKu ..Aku Hanya Wanita Biasa*::~
(¯`*•.¸ (¯`*•.¸(¯`*•.¸_..ƸӜƷ.._¸.•*´¯)¸.•*´¯)..•*´¯)

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Kepadamu yang akan menjadi pendampingku kelak...

Terima kasih karena telah memilihku di antara ribuan bidadari di luar sana yang siap untuk kau pilih....

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My ideal birthday gift from someone special

When it comes to a birthday, we must straight away thinking what would i get or what should i give (if it is others birthday). Have you ever think what is it could make you really happy when received a birthday gift. Is it a thing? or something that we could only feel? Which one would you prefer?

Personally, i want it both.. haha 
But if i have to choose, I'll choose something that could make me soooo happy untill i couldn't describe with words. Something special which is of course doesn't have to be expensive yet meaningfull.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's My Birthday.. Yippie... ^_^

Happy birthday to me...
Happy birthday to me......
Happy birthday.......................
Happy birthday.........................
Happy birthday to me......................

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Problem Solving

Problem Solving

Regardless of what we are doing in our life, we, as a human always facing so many kind of problem.  Most problem are very easy, but some other is very hard and sometime complicated, but they all need to be solved in a satisfactory way.

Problem is defined as the difference between the reality (current state) with the one you expected (goal state). For example, in the class room, we want the student to understand what being taught by the teacher (goal state) but the fact is the students still do not understand. This become a problem, thus we need to do something to solve the problem, as it called “Problem Solving”.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Ten Things to Make the First Day (and the Rest) of the Semester Successful

I like to arrive in the classroom well before the students. It gives me time to get things organized. I create an entrance table (I use chairs or desks if there's no table) that holds handouts for students to pick up. From day one the students learn the routine: they arrive, pick up handouts on the entrance table, and read the screen for instructions. They know what to do, and it saves time. Here's how I recommend introducing the routine on day one.
  1. Post your name and the name and section of the class on the screen, so that when students walk in they know that they are in the right place.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


What can we do on the first day of class? What should we do?
One common answer is simply to start lecturing: "This is day one, here is lecture one, away we go." Another possibility is: "Here is the syllabus, go buy your books and we will see you at the next scheduled class period." Neither of these two options seems desirable. But what are some other possibilities?

Several years ago a group of professors at the University of Oklahoma visited each other on the first day of class and then discussed what they saw each other doing. But the discussion quickly went from what they observed, to "What might be done?" They eventually identified nine attractive possibilities, as described below.

Can Foods Make You Break Out?

I suffer because of acne. Acne which is also known as break out or pimple is a very annoying skin problem that happen to me. In my teenager, i barely didn't have any break out, but i don't know why when i'm 23 years old it start to grow, and it's been 3 years im suffering this problem.

I try to find what's the cause of acne, how to cure etc. And I've tried many dermatologist, but nothing works. and i'm starting to lose hope. I stop doing any treatment. The oral medicine I took make me week. I took antibiotics for almost a year and put a cream on my face. But still, it only work when i'm take those medicine, and when i stop it's start to grow again.

And now, I don't use anything, I even don't wash my face with soap. I just wash is with water. And i think it's better in that way. now, my face a bit better, not so much acne.

Anyway, here are a good article to read, hopefully it give us a useful information.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mobile for Enhancing Learning Process

Mobile for Enhance Learning
Rahmi. Rosita Elianur, Ulfa Rahmi

What is Mobile Learning?
In relation to technologies, ‘mobile’ generally means portable and personal, such as mobile phone (Naismith et al. 2007), and based on an article published in Wikipedia, “the term M-Learning, or "mobile learning", has different meanings for different communities. Although related to e-learning and distance education, it is distinct in its focus on learning across contexts and learning with mobile devices. One definition of mobile learning is: Any sort of learning that happens when the learner is not at a fixed, predetermined location, or learning that happens when the learner takes advantage of the learning opportunities offered by mobile technologies. In other words mobile learning decreases limitation of learning location with the mobility of general portable devices.”

Learning can be enhanced by mobile technology. Holzinger et al. (2010) in Lifelong-Learning Support by M-learning : Example Scenario stated that mobile learning is supported to create learning environment by independence of both location and time. Mobile learning has been an important instrument for assisting learning. Opportunity to communicate and interact with multimedia learning resources and simulated environments are offered by technology. As a consequence, technology can enhance motivation, which is a vital aspect of learning, deliver information when needed, and encourage solving problems and satisfying curiosity.  

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Death.. :(

No farewell words were spoken
No time to say goodbye
You were gone before we knew it
And only God knows why

Monday, May 16, 2011

Indonesia Mengajar

This posting is inspired by my friend who was asking me about what could she do in which very different with her life now. And I suddenly remember about this program and offered her about this.

I know this program through email that someone sent me a few months ago and offered her to be one of it.

Indonesia Mengajar is kinda volunteer program which recruit a young generation to teach in the rural area for about one years.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Teaching English with Outdoor activity

I never expected that learning English could be really fun. When I was a kid, I started to learn English by listening to my sister English teacher, then I started to join an English course. But, long time ago (it's about 15 years ago) I learned English by memorizing the vocabulary. Also, the teacher is to much emphasized on grammar which definitely  make me so stressful. I was starting to enjoy English when i found myself so into with English song. that's the time my vocabulary increasing rapidly. Also it was supported by a western movie that i always watched.

As an English teacher now, I just realize that many technique could be used in learning English. One of them is learning English outside the classroom.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Emberassing Beauty Question and Answer

Why Do I Have a Unibrow?

It's no secret that some gals grow excess hair between the eyebrows, along the upper lip, or on the chin. Occasionally, this can be a sign of a medical condition, such as polycystic ovary syndrome. But more often, it's just genetics. Plucking, waxing, or regular use of a depilatory cream can help. Laser hair removal and electrolysis are long-term solutions.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Learning English Through Song

As I try to be a good English teacher, i have to find ways of making the student understand English Easily. How to increase their vocabulary, grammatical things, pronunciation, etc is a very challenging things for me. As a novice teacher, i don't have any experience in teaching. I've never been facing the students and stand in front of the class. Moreover, I don't have any background from English education (TESOL). My major is chemistry. However, I have a strong commitment to teach English so that i can maintain my English.

Anyways, lastnight, i used a technique which is quite interesting. I use English song to teach English and increase their vocabulary. And it was quite success. The students is very happy because it feel like they are not in an English class. It is more relaxing for them...

In the net, i found an article:

“Learning English through songs provides a non-threatening atmosphere for students who usually are tense when speaking English in a formal classroom setting.”

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Officially, Master Degree

A few days ago, i went to Banda Aceh. The main aim is to attend the Aceh alumni of Deakin University, Australia. But guess what, it 's not only about alumni, it's also about the second ceremony of graduation.
Let me tell you one thing. Before i went back to Indonesia, I only attend the ceremony of graduation which was only attended by Aceh Students. We only have like some kind of a temporary certificate which say "have been complete the master program". We can't receive the official master certificate (Testamur) until the official graduation ceremony is held. So

Learning Theories

1.       Description of learning theories;
a.       Behaviorism
It can be defined as a theory of human learning that focus on observable behavior and disregard mental activities or mind activities. The theory also believes that all behaviors are acquired as a result of conditioning (classical and operant).
The famous behaviorists are Ivan Pavlov and B.F Skinner.

b.      Cognitive
It can be defined as a theory of human learning that focus on understanding the thought processes and the mental process. The process include of schemes, assimilation, accommodation and adaptation.
There are four stages of cognitive development which is sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete-operational stage, and formal operational.
The famous cognitive theorist is Piaget.

Assessment in Teaching and Learning

Finding out whether student already learn or not is not as easy and simple as we think. We, as a teacher should find out the right method and strategy to evaluate our student and learning process in a classroom. This evaluation generally called “assessment”. Assessment could be define as a mechanism for providing instructors with data for improving their teaching methods and for guiding and motivating students to be actively involved in their own learning. Therefore, assessment provides important feedback to both instructors and students.

As we might know, assessment is divided into two categories, namely, traditional assessment and alternative assessment. The former is typically paper and pencil test in which students select from choices, calculate number and construct short respond, and  the latter is typically require creating answer/product that demonstrate knowledge and skill in which include writing or conduct experiment, carrying out a project, solving a real world problem and etc.