Monday, December 26, 2011

Honesty, that's what we need

I always think that people in my surrounding is lack of honesty. They tell a lie to every one and even to their selves. They don't show what they have in their mind, so that sometimes it makes them look hypocritical. Perhaps it's because our habit *even actually we just can't blame it* to considerate other peoples' feeling so that those people won't get offended, or maybe you just don't wanna look bad.

Maybe, i also have those bad habit *always think about people* which at the end don't have a courage to tell the truth, except for something crucial. But, at least i have been trying to build my honesty level.

So Guys, Let's improve our:


But, do it in a good manner


"It is better to be painfully hurt by the truth 
than to be happy in a lie"


アミ said...

fa, ada pr nulis ini...
cek di sini yaa..

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