Sunday, November 20, 2011

I am a 80s girl

Gini Lah naseb jadi turis yang lagi berlibur terus ga ada kenderaan mo keluar, jadinya sibuk kotak-katik blog and ngenet seharian. Ntah apa ajah pun yang udah diliat... And one of the thing is I found out this interesting wall picture on my friends' facebook page.

Kebetulan niy yah, aq lahirnya di 1980s... So currently, I am not that young anymore (like teen).. Western say I am a young women (yang sebeenernya juga belum nyampe situ)..

Still on my mind that I used to enjoy playing patok lele, bola bekel a.k.a maen keong, maen karet a.k.a jump rope, maen aseng, pecah pireng, kadang maen guli (walopun ga bisa2..:D), maen layang ato kejar layangan putos, tangkap ikan laga and gabos and many other traditional games that I found so interesting to play compare to today generation. It seem they don't have any game that could be enjoyed in outdoor area. Perhaps the common games that is still exist is hide and seek or catch and run.
They busy play with technology which i believe dis-encourage them in making friends.

Eventhough we have a lot of traditional games, but in the era of 90s,which i was already on the junior level, already have a internet. I remembered i went to internet cafe for my first time on birth day on June 14th 1998, so it's about grade 2 of esempe. And at that time, it was the first net cafe in town which is still expensive.

Pokoknya yah, orang2 yang laher taon 1980an itu serba semua, karena peralihan kali yah, jadi ngerasain kehidupan yang masih original or yang udah modern-technology. Qta ngerasain maen yang masih natural tpi juga qta skr udh sibuk ama twitter or fb or ps or yang laen-laen la..

Overall, Happy being born in 80s... ^_^


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