Friday, August 26, 2011

Pusiiiing hitung zakat...

Lately, just a week before Eid, My mums and dad are so busy of counting their properties. I didn't say that they have a lot, but at least their property such as gold or business are need to pay alms as it has reached the nasab.

 For me it a bit complicated to count everything, perhaps because I never really do it (i don't have any property.. hiks). For example for gold, they count how many gold they keep (the gold that they always use is not counted) and then they will take away for about 2,5% to give for the poor and other people who has right to receive.

The most complicated thing is to count a business alm, we need to count everything. I don't how it's work, i just follow my father order. So, we need to count our revenue, and stock, claim/credit. After that, we add all of that and take 2,5% from that for the alms.

This already become a routine for our family each year in ramadhan (as we need to pay for "zakat harta once in a year).
However, I still wonder about this, and doubt. For instance, if we already pay 2,5% of gold that we have, should we pay it again for the next year (the same gold, no addition)?

After busy of counting, then we busy of finding the person who has right to get the alms.
We manage all of that by ourself. It doesn't mean we don't trust the alms fondation. We just feel that it would be better if  we focus on our surrounding and relative.
There are 8 criteria of zakat recipient, and this time I just copy paste it (and using bahasa indonesia as it would be easier to understand.. ^_^)
Berdasarkan firman Allah QS At-Taubah ayat 60, bahwa yang berhak menerima zakat/mustahik sebagai berikut:
1. Orang fakir: orang yang amat sengsara hidupnya, tidak mempunyai harta dan tenaga untuk memenuhi penghidupannya.
2. Orang miskin: orang yang tidak cukup penghidupannya dan dalam keadaan kekurangan.
3. Pengurus zakat : orang yang diberi tugas untuk mengumpulkan & membagikan zakat.
4. Muallaf : orang kafir yang ada harapan masuk Islam dan orang yang baru masuk Islam yang imannya masih lemah.
5. Memerdekakan budak : mencakup juga untuk melepaskan muslim yang ditawan oleh orang-orang kafir.
6. Orang berhutang: orang yang berhutang karena untuk kepentingan yang bukan ma'siat dan tidak sanggup membayarnya. Adapun orang yang berhutang untuk memelihara persatuan umat Islam di bayar hutangnya itu dengan zakat, walaupun ia mampu membayarnya.
7. Pada jalan Allah (sabilillah): yaitu untuk keperluan pertahanan Islam dan kaum muslimin. Di antara mufasirin ada yang berpendapat bahwa fisabilillah itu mencakup juga kepentingan-kepentingan umum seperti mendirikan sekolah, rumah sakit, madrasah, masjid, pesantren, ekonomi umat, dll.
8. Orang yang sedang dalam perjalanan yang bukan ma'siat mengalami kesengsaraan dalam perjalanannya. Atau juga orang yg menuntut ilmu di tempat yang jauh yang kehabisan bekal.

And after that, lately (untill today) we are busy to distribute the alms. Hopefully it will have benefit for those people, and of course we get a blessing from Allah..


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