Thursday, May 5, 2011

Teaching English with Outdoor activity

I never expected that learning English could be really fun. When I was a kid, I started to learn English by listening to my sister English teacher, then I started to join an English course. But, long time ago (it's about 15 years ago) I learned English by memorizing the vocabulary. Also, the teacher is to much emphasized on grammar which definitely  make me so stressful. I was starting to enjoy English when i found myself so into with English song. that's the time my vocabulary increasing rapidly. Also it was supported by a western movie that i always watched.

As an English teacher now, I just realize that many technique could be used in learning English. One of them is learning English outside the classroom.

Last night i've tried to do it. We learn English in the field. So, it's more relaxing. It seem like we not even learn or study English because the methode that i used is only playing some game.
We only talk with a simple English and make sure the students understand what i've told and ordered. I divided them in to two team and make it a small competition. the winner will get something to motivate them.

Many games that could be use in games acivity, such as, guessing the words, whispering, true-false question, etc. However, the important thing that we need to remember is to keep the student use English throughout the games. This technique will make them so happy and enjoy the learning.

Many outdoor activity that could be used also, for example, going to restaurant and just talking, have an easy and nice chat, introducing new word and explain to the meaning. But remember, i believe it more effective if we not use any L1 language. explain any vocabulary that they don't now with an easy words and if it possible use body language to make it more sense.

the key to improve your English is by practicing your English all the time. So, if it is possible for you to speak in English, just do it.


Anonymous said...

can you give some exapmles of the tesl that can be used outdoor?

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