Friday, June 21, 2013

Tips to mnimize the galactocele

Having Experienced of galactocele made me realize how pain it was. So, As I already success to deal with it, I'll share with you guys

1. Make sure that it is a galactocele by doing the usg. 

2. If the galactocele (which consist of milk) already hurting you and has a lump, then you need a short cut by draining it first using a syringe (let the doctor do that).

3. Although you have drained the galactocele, the milk will keep producing, hence the lump will start to grow again. So you need to do some treatment at home. The treatment is home therapy and so easy to do.

4. Do a hot/warm compress every time you gonna nurse and massage the breast first. You need a special ways of massage which you can see on youtube.

5. You need to breastfeed to the breast that has a galactocele first, because baby will suck it stronger.

6. After a hot compress and massage and nurse, you need to put a cabbage on the breast (or icepack) as it gonna calm your breast. Do it for 10-15 minute.

7. Always nursing as often as possible.

8. The last but not least, you need to fasting. As I am moslem, I am fasting consistent with the religion rule. (eat at dawn and break the fasting when sunset, no eat and drink). It really affect the milk production as it slows the production, so you have chance to emptying the breast.

Hopefully those tips gonna work on you guys.. Good Luck!

Anyway, I forget to mention.  If you have a galactocele:
1. Don't use a tight bra especially with a wire.
2. Don't sleep on your tummy which is pressing your breast.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Galactocele starts to gone away

Alhamdulillah, the galactocele finally getting smaller. Did I told you what galactocele is? maybe I have on my previous post *check later*

Well, how can the galactocele getting smaller? After 2 times of aspiration by a syringe right through my breast, I finally stop to do that.
It only cure the pain for only 12 hours as  the galactocele will refill with milk again and again. So, this procedure only help when the emergency like the worst pain and need a short cut by letting it out.

Now, I still can feel the galactocele in my breast, but not that big and not having any pain. How do I manage it? well, by keep nursing, hot compress, massage, and fasting.. I'll tell you how on the next post. ^^

5 Months Nadya

5 months 2  weeks

Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Birthday To Me.. ^^

June 14th is my birthday. Well No Celebration and No party. I only been wished by my family, my sissy, bro, parents and of course my husband.

Actually I almost forget my own birthday. Having a baby make me forget about many things including the birthday. 

In this age, I don't expect  a great present since i already have one. that's is my baby presence. I wish she always be healthy and all things that's good for her.

Blister on my Nipple :(

Another problem rises. But this time is my problem. But surely, it always related to my baby nadya. 

WHat is it? Lately, my baby love to bite my nipple. Not only biting she is also stretching it. So that the latch on position is wrong. And the result is my nipple is hurt and 2 days ago i realize there is a blister on the tip of the nipple.

this is how the blister looks like: (not my nipple) :D


but mine has a bigger blister. 

Anyway, although my nipple is hurt, i keep nursing my baby, so it wont create another problem. 
Today, the nipple is getting better. The blister is getting dry. But still, it really painfull when i'm breastfeeding. :(

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Atopic Dermatitits or Eczema a.k.a Eksim/ruam susu

Yes.. Finally we bring our baby nadya to a trusted doctor in Columbia Hospital, Medan to be examined. We have brought nadya to a doctor in Langsa but i didn't trust her. I read so many information on the net before i went to that doctor, and seems like what she had told me didn't make sense, that's why we decide to go for a second opinion.

What did the Langsa doctor say? She say that our little baby got Both an infection and a fungus infection. And she gave a medicine that makes me frown. And of course after that we even didn't buy the prescription.

So, we went to medan, to saw a Prof. Syahril. He is a pediatrician. He also a rector of USU. Anyway, this doctor is so convincing. The way he talk to the patient is so calming. He has a sense of humor. He even singing while examining and consulting.
The information we got is the same with those i read on the net.

Nadya positively has a atopic dermatitis.

He gave a good 2 ointment, one use on the face and the other on the part of the body. He also give the antihistamine drop.

Within one day, all of the eczema is getting better. The redness is gone. Now we just wait until it all gone.

And Other advice from the doctor is I have to limit the seafood and milk intake, since i only bresfeeding her.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ruam Susu yang Semakin Parah.. Hiks...

Di posting sebelumnya udah pernah aq mention kan klo ruam susu yang katanya itu kena asi adalah mitos.. Nah sekarang baby nadya kena juga ruam susu di pipinya. Makin lama makin parah.. hiks.. Entah aq ada makan apa jadinya baby nadya alergi.. Ato entah karena cuaca atau entah juga karena kena debu or tungau.

Sekarang akhirnya aq jadi pantang hampir semua makanan. Yaa balik seperti menu pas habis melahirkan. Cuma makan sayur bening and ikan. Ayam tuk sementara di stop, telur juga. Kedele aq alergi yang juga udah nurun ke nadya. Sampe susu menyusui pun aq ga minum lagi karena itu kan turunan susu sapi. Pokoknya yang kira2 memicu jadi alergi dihilangkan dulu lah..

Ruam di pipi nadya sebenarnya ga terlalu parah. Udah di kasih salep ya udah berkurang. Tapi efeknya kulitnya jadi tipis. So kadang ruam itu kan gatal, jadi di garuk lah.. Yang bikin ruamnya makin parah itu ya garukan si nadya. Jadinya berair and sedikit luka.. Hiks..

Supaya ga di garuk, tangan nadya aq ikat. terutama di tangan yang pipinya paling parah. Siang malam aq ikat ke tempat tidur sebelah tangannya. Kenapa cuma sebelah? karena sebelah lagi aq ngasih kesempatan buat nadya tuk hisap jarinya... hehehe... and ksh sedikit kebebasan lah. Kasian juga klo dua2nya diikat, pasti pegel kali and ujung2nya marah dya. Klo tangannya ga diikat, mustri ekstra hati2 jagainnya, jadi pas kira2 udah mo di garok, cepet2 ditangkap tangannya.

Karena kulitnya gatel, jadi nadya ga pernah dimandiin dengan air hangat lagi. Air hangat kan bikin gatel nya tambah. Jadi aq mandiin dya dengan air yang ga hangat tapi juga ga dingin. Penggunaan sabun juga dibatasi.

Cepet sembuh ya nak, jangan di garuk lagi yah... Klo ga digaruk pasti dah sembuh nak... :')

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Today is 5 months already!!!

0606, it's five months sharp of baby nadya's age. Lagi-lagi ga terasa yah, baby nadya udah gede ajah. Udah tambah banyak akalnya..

Kemaren dulu mendadak jadi cengeng banget seharian. Ntah salah apa. Awal mulanya siy, emaknya agak-agak ignoring dya, makanya jadi kesel deh, trus telat nenenin, yang bikin nadya tambah ngamuk. Akhirnya nenen ga mau lagi, tidor pun ga mau, semua ga mau. Maunya di gendong and harus jalan-jalan terus. Ga boleh duduk.. -_-' 
Hampir emaknya pingsang secara kemaren bapake kagak ade... 

Alhamdulillah ga berlanjut. Cuma hari itu doang. Begitu tidur malam, hilang semua kecengengan itu.. :D
And besoknya udah okay lagi.

Pelajaran yang dipetik hari itu:
*never ignore ur baby..karena ntar bikin byk ulah
* never telat nenen.

Oh ya.. Baby nadya sekarang tengkurapnya udah bisa angkat dada. Jadi udah tinggi banget. Mumblingnya juga udah sering. Apalagi sebelum tidur malam and pas bangun pagi. Ngoceeeh sendiri dya.. :*

Sekarang, nadya juga suka banget gigit-gigit. Gusi di gesek-gesek sampe bunyi. Apa mau tumbuh gigi yah? EMank 5 bulan udah jadwal mo numbuh gigi yah?
Jadi akhirnya aq beliin teether lah. Walaupun pegangannya lum kokoh banget. Tapi semenjak aq beliin teether ini, nadya makin pande megang, and learn how to grab something. 

Semoga terus jadi anak yang pintar and sehat yah nak... :*