Wednesday, November 23, 2011

MeetBall and Noodle

Akhir2 ini sering ngepost recipes, ya maklum ajah selama di qatar, kakak sering banget buat masakan, Jadi qta buat bareng2.. Kali ini qta buat meatball and mie basah.. Gampang banget asalkan alatnya mendukung ajah.

1. 1 Kg mince beef 
2. 400 g tapioca (depend on person)
3. Salt
4. Pepper
5. Garlic
6. 4 Egg
7. 1 tsp Bicarbonate/baking powder

All of the ingredients are mixed all together and then shape it into small ball and boiled it.

Mie Basah Wortel
1. 500g wheat flour
2. 100g egg
3. 100 g Carrot
4. 10 g Bicabornat
6. salt

All of the ingredients are mixed all together and then by using the ampia make a thin layer and later use a noodle shape to form a noodle.


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