Sunday, April 10, 2011

Stay Positive

Have you ever feel that when you wanna do something, you feel like you can't do it? Always have a negative thinking that can make you not confident in doing something? or you feel like you are unable to reach something? That is a negativity which is should be remove from your thought.  I am trying to stay positive as much as i can and try to get rid the negativity. However, sometimes it is difficult to know how to stay positive when people and circumstances seem to be turning against you. You can combat negativity by following a few simple steps:

1. Stay Positive By Filling Your Life With Meaningful Activities
If you have something to look forward to that motivates you and makes you feel needed, your self esteem will sky rocket which will give you a thicker skin around negative people.
Pick one or two activities (such as volunteering somewhere that you have always wanted to or teaching your favorite hobby in a continuing education class) and commit to doing them on a regular basis.

2. Pick a Goal thats Important to You and Reach for It
Create a structured schedule that leads you to a goal that is important to you. Make it something you are passionate about and enjoy talking about. Working towards something everyday will add positivity to your life.

3. Step Away from Negative Situations and People
If certain people always bring you down, minimize your time around them. Surround yourself with people that lift you up and that you enjoy being with. If you don't have a strong social structure, then start joining in on activities that you enjoy so you can meet people with similar interests.

4. Build Close Connections With Family and Friends
Reach out and connect or re-connect with people you are close to. Go out of your way to spend time on fun activities that you can do together. Go for walks. Call old friends. Talk about nothing and everything. Fill your life with the small important things that keep your spirits up.

5. Do What Works For You
A lot of us spend time fighting to accomplish goals that don't fit who we are and aren't meaningful to us. If you are stuck in a job or relationship that doesn't work for you, do something about it. Don't stay in situations that add to your stress and anxiety levels. You can stay positive no matter what if you focus in on living a life that is meaningful to you.

5. Prove Those Negative Thoughts Wrong
When you find yourself in a bad mood, you could think of the negative things such as, "I'm dumb and annoying", "I'm better off dead", "I'm ugly, I wish I looked different", etc. Even though it's not true. Change your mind. Look for your good features, think about the ones that you know love you, look on your greater side. Realize that nobody's life is easy and that there will always be ups and downs, and moments of low self esteem. Don't automatically assume that nobody cares. Every person matters to someone. You're alive for a reason.

6. Appreciate What You See
Look in the mirror. Find some beautiful things about yourself.... Do you have nice skin? nice nails? beautiful eyes? full lips? Find stuff that appeals to you. When you can't change something, change your attitude towards it!

7. It's All How You Look At It
Jealous of the people with 'amazing' lives? They chose to be that way! Remember, there are people living in mansions who are miserable and people living on the street who are perfectly happy. It's all on how you look at it.

8. Get Motivated
What motivates you? What gives you energy to go on everyday? Music? Love? Family? A 1km run? God/Allah? Your attitude? Your pet? Friends? School? Give yourself a boost by focusing on what is important to you personally.

9. Don't Stop Yourself From Feeling The Joy.
It's okay to step back once in awhile and just enjoy the moment. Even in tough situations - it's important to smile and laugh here and there. Don't restrict yourself from doing things you love because they're "not important" or because you think you'll be criticized for doing them. Let yourself enjoy life even if you're not at the best place you could be. You only live once - make the best of it. 

So, Lets practice and stay positive so that we can have a more enjoyable life.. :) 


Nova Miladyarti said...

I hope a can do all the steps to be a positive, but have u read a book "be a negative'??
sometimes for some reasons we can be a negative person.

~Ulfa~ said...

not yet...
i think most people is more negative than positive. negative thinking is created when we are trying to be aware of somethin', but to much negative thinking will hinder you to do somethin'.. :)

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