Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How To Say No

Do you have difficulty saying “no”? Are you always trying to be nice to others at the expense of yourself?
Well, you’re not alone. In the past, I was not good at saying “no”, because I didn’t want to hurt the other person’s feelings.
For example, whenever I get requests for help, I would attend to them even though I had important work to do. Sometimes the requests would drag to 2-3 hours or even beyond. At the end of the day, I would forgo sleep to catch up on my work.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Martabak Manis (Roti hee also known as kue Apam)

Hari ini aq mencoba membuat kue martabak manis, karena hujan jadi ga bisa keluar tuk beli, jadi mending buat sendiri. Berhubung semua bahan ada jadi langsung yuk kita buat na
Resep Bahan Martabak Manis :
  • tepung terigu protein sedang 350 gram
  • gula pasir 5 sendok makan
  • ragi instan 1/2 sendok teh
  • vanili bubuk 1/2 sendok teh
  • air 450 ml

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Syarat-syarat Penyetaraan Ijazah Luar Negeri

Panduan Penyetaraan Ijazah Luar Negeri Online
Bagi Pemohon yang Perguruan Tinggi dan Program Studi yang sudah pernah
1. Pemohon mendaftarkan akun pada laman Ijazah Luar Negeri.
2. Pemohon memasukan akun pada laman Ijazah Luar Negeri.
3. Pemohon mengisi borang pendaftaran yang terdapat pada laman penyetaraan ijazah.
4. Pemohon mendapat nomor registrasi, untuk dicatat dan disimpan.
5. Pemohon datang ke Direktorat Akademik Ditjen Dikti (lantai 7 gedung D Kemdiknas) dan membawa persyaratan serta memperlihatkan DOKUMEN ASLI beserta fotokopi dokumen sebagai berikut:
a. Ijazah yang akan disetarakan (Ijazah yang tidak berbahasa Inggris, Belanda, Perancis dan Jerman harus diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris dan disahkan oleh Kedutaan Besar Negara tempat belajar atau penterjemah resmi);
b. Ijazah jenjang sebelumnya;

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Penyetaraan Ijazah

This is the information that i take from
For the people who has been studying abroad, need to do some kind of certification so that the Indonesian Government will admit your degree. This policy is made to protect us from the "false degree" that has happened in Indonesia. Here is the full information about the policy:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Activity

Going Back to my hometown is not a happy things for me because I have to stay in a developing country who really don't care about environment. The air we breath is quite polluted as people like to travel by vehicles. unlike  Indonesia, in Australia, people are like to walk from one place to another. But, anyway, this is my country that I love.
Did i mentioned to you guys that I already work at one of the government office? well, if i didn't let me tell you then.. :) I work as a staff and i do a boring job (which sometime i don't know what to as there is nothing to do.. lol). So, I'll find another activity to get rid of my boringness.

Guide To Teaching English for L2(non english speaking people)

There are a few things that should be remembered when we are trying to teach English, especially for the non-speaking English people. I believe it is very hard for them to understand it as English is not their first language and they might find it confusing ( how to spell, sounds, write, etc)

As I start to teach English in my hometown, I need to figure out how to teach them in an interesting ways and fun so that all the Englsih words could be memorized unconsciously and easily.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Henna Mehndi मेहंदी

Mehndi, I bet everybody knows about this kind of art. In Aceh, it is a very popular things to do when a girl is getting married. Usually a few days before the ceremonial, the achenese girl would apply this on to her hands and feet. We called it "Boh Gaca". (Pakai pacar/inai). Achenese people knows henna as pacar or innai. 

Mehndi is an application of henna s a temporary form of skin decoration. Mehndi is coming from arabic, india and some african area. Of course it has its own style based on their culture. 
Henna is taken from a special leaves from a special tress that could produce color on our skin. Usually it will produce the red-maroon-orange color (depends on the skin). the stain of henna will be last for 1-2 week if it applies on the skin.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Achieving your ambition through dreaming

Mimpi merupakan hal yang normal dan pasti dialami oleh setiap manusia di dunia. Mimpi atau sering juga disebut dengan bunga tidur adalah sesuatu hal yang terjadi di alam bawah sadar kita ketika kita sedang terlelap. Namun, tahukan kamu mimpi tidak hanya terjadi saat kita tidur? mimpi bisa saja berarti khayalan yang berarti ketika kita memimpikan sesuatu, kita menghayalkan hal tersebut.

Sebuah kata bijakdari william ward:

“If You Can Imagine It, You Can Create It
If You Can Dream It, You Can Become It”

最初の賞 , First Award

This is kinda the result of my work on this blog. Thanks to my friend Ami who gave me this beautiful appreciation. I promise i'm gonna do better to enhance the performance of my blog so that i can get another awards.. ^_^

Once again thanks to Ami san... right now i'm overwhelmed with gratitude... hehehe
And anyway, She made me share 8 things about me as i received this award.
1. I am a person who don't like to show my feeling in front of people, let people think i am a cheer person.
2. I don't like a person who take care other people business.
3. I like travelling, especially to a place that I never been before.

Using Narrative in learning chemistry

Nowadays, most students view chemistry as a difficult subject as it teaches many abstract topics. They perceive chemistry is hard to understand and irrelevant to students’ live. In order to make the abstract chemistry more meaningful for the students, Bostrom (2008) raises an approach using narrative and stories as a didactic tool. This method is done by providing the students with a context for learning. It is believed when students and teachers sharing their experiences, thoughts and values through narrative, it could help students in meaning making the concept and help them grasp those abstract concepts.  Further, she also mentions through narrative, students could imagine in explaining, evaluating and planning which is suggested that narrative is afundamental cognitive instrument for planning and explanation.

Nature of Science

Ulfa Rahmi
Respond on Students’ and Teachers Conception of the nature of science: A review of the research
Nature of science has become a main objective to be introduced at school in order to make student understanding the science which later could make them scientifically literate. In the reading, Lederman (1992) stated that most students understanding of the scientific enterprise is inadequate. He found that most students and surprisingly teachers have a misconception about the nature of science of scientific knowledge as “myth of absolute truth” which shows that they believe science is not tentative or fixed.

Conceptual Change

In my perspective, a conceptual change framework is highly crucial to improve science teaching and learning. Findings from a previous studies showed that students are not a passive learner and they learn from their experience to make sense to a phenomena which sometime could lead to a misconception. Since conceptual changed is viewed not only as a process of replacing the old concepts but also a process of learning to relate ideas to appropriate contexts, it is designed to convince the students that some situations that they understand are actually misunderstand. In a conceptual change, students are responsible in constructing their own understanding. It is believed that the dissatisfaction with their prior knowledge is the trigger to a conceptual change. Hence, if the alternative conception which is intelligible, plausible and fruitful is available, accommodation of the new conception might occur.

The need of reimagining school science

Personally, I think, the need of re-imagining science education is highly crucial. The emerging concern on a lessening of students’ proportion to take science in their post-compulsory years has questioned the educational people. Thus, they do a research to find out why and how to solve the problems.
Firstly, it needs to find out why students lose their interest to science. I believe it happens because students find that science is not interesting and they are unable to link between science and their context, so that, they couldn’t find science is meaningful for their own life. In addition, a number of contents to cover and inflexible curriculum make the crisis worse.

Sensitif kah kulit kamu?

Sebagai wanita pasti kita sering dipusingkan dengan kulit, baik kulit wajah ataupun kulit tubuh. Kita kemudaian mencari produk-produk yang dipercaya akan membantu kulit tersebut tetap sehat seperti body lotion or moisturizer untuk melembabkan kulit. 
Tapi tahukah kamu kalau kulit kita kadang kala sensitif terhadap produk-produk tersebut? Bagi mereka-mereka yang tidak memiliki masalah terhadap produk ya syukur, tapi bagi mereka yang tidak dan bagi saya, dapat membuat masalah. Untuk mengetahui ciri-ciri kulit sensitif, maka kita perlu ekstra hati-hati jika mempunyai tiga atau lebih gejala berikut :
1. Ketika kita menggunakan wol atau linen, kulit merasa tidak nyaman dan timbul kemerahan.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This is a story of me as i want you guys to know me better. My name is Ulfa Rahmi and i was born in a small village called Langsa, one of the suburb in Aceh.  I took my first study (kindergarten) in this place and later at age 7 I moved to Banda Aceh (the capital city of Aceh province) as my parents are being transfer to that city.

I graduated my primary school at SD 39 Banda Aceh which is place near the Blang padang area. Then I continued my study to SMP 1 Banda Aceh and later I took SMA 1 Banda Aceh for my upper secondary school.....

Code- Switching


Clearly, code–switching is highly required in the teaching and learning environment particularly in a school which declares itself to use English as the language of teaching and learning (LOLT) yet students are not proficient enough in English. It acts as scaffolding to support EFL students where at one point when the students are proficient enough in the target language, it is being reduced or not going to be applied anymore. Code-switching is a linguistic term that refers to an alternation of words or phrases between two or more languages among people who share the same language (Bista, 2010). Generally, code-switching take places when the students are incompetent in the target language, in this case is English. Furthermore, its purpose is mainly to achieve two things, namely ‘filling a linguistic/conceptual gap and other communicative purposes’ (Gysel 1992, cited in Duran, 1994).

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

Student Id. 211077007

1. Based on the Klippel’s Heading:
a. My own learning of English based on Klippel would be in the 1st heading which focuses on Language and culture. English is a foreign language (FL) when the first time I learnt it. Since the English is the third language I have to learn after Bahasa and Acehnese, the approach that it used is EFL  (English Foreign Language) where the instruction is made for the people who never really used English. The type of language learning is explicit who are taught by the English teacher. The time frame in learning English is a long term period from primary level and upwards.  And the material that is used is an authentic materials and language textbook.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Associations between Classroom Climate and Teacher-Student Interpersonal Behavior in Primary Science

The Associations between Classroom Climate and Teacher-Student Interpersonal Behavior in Primary Science ...

Step in Writing

The 5 Step Writing Process

1. Prewriting, Chossing a topic and generating ideas.
2. Planning, Organising ideas into an outline.
3. Wriring, Creating a rough draft
4. Editing, Revision of content and structure; editing of grammar and pnctuation.
5. Re-writing, Publishing a final draft.

Before you begin to work through the writing process, it is important to consider your audience and purpose. Who you are writing for and the reason you are writing will inform choices such as vocabulary use and the organisational structure of your work