Thursday, March 10, 2011

Using Narrative in learning chemistry

Nowadays, most students view chemistry as a difficult subject as it teaches many abstract topics. They perceive chemistry is hard to understand and irrelevant to students’ live. In order to make the abstract chemistry more meaningful for the students, Bostrom (2008) raises an approach using narrative and stories as a didactic tool. This method is done by providing the students with a context for learning. It is believed when students and teachers sharing their experiences, thoughts and values through narrative, it could help students in meaning making the concept and help them grasp those abstract concepts.  Further, she also mentions through narrative, students could imagine in explaining, evaluating and planning which is suggested that narrative is afundamental cognitive instrument for planning and explanation.
In my perspective, using narrative could be very useful to connect the abstract chemistry to lived experience. It even can stimulate students to be more passionate about the topic since it more related to them. Thus, they could find the knowledge is more meaningful for them and it is expected to be long lasting. This narrative has been used in many context-base approaches such as Problem-base learning, the Salter’s method, Storyline, Case studies, etc
I believe if Aceh teachers use narrative or stories based on the Aceh context, students will be more enthusiastic and understand in depth on chemistry topic. Currently, there are many problems in the society that could be made as a scientific activity which is really related to their own health. For instance, there is some people use a fabric coloring and formalin in the food. By having this topic, students will explore the characteristic of a compound and its properties and relate to health. Other topic such as choosing the sugar in making cookies, finding out which one is dissolved faster, is one of the topic that cover solubility and concentration of a solution. If only teachers could really bring the context and both teacher and students explain the topic in a narrative way, I believe the students will find chemistry more fun, meaningful, relevant to their life and of course will long lasting.


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