Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Code- Switching


Clearly, code–switching is highly required in the teaching and learning environment particularly in a school which declares itself to use English as the language of teaching and learning (LOLT) yet students are not proficient enough in English. It acts as scaffolding to support EFL students where at one point when the students are proficient enough in the target language, it is being reduced or not going to be applied anymore. Code-switching is a linguistic term that refers to an alternation of words or phrases between two or more languages among people who share the same language (Bista, 2010). Generally, code-switching take places when the students are incompetent in the target language, in this case is English. Furthermore, its purpose is mainly to achieve two things, namely ‘filling a linguistic/conceptual gap and other communicative purposes’ (Gysel 1992, cited in Duran, 1994).

Swaziland, Rollnick and Rurherford (1996, cited in Setati, Adler, Reed & Bapoo, 2002) in their research of the science classroom, found that learners would be more effective in exploring their idea if they use their main language. They argue that with the absent of code-switching, learners’ alternative thinking would remain unexposed. In addition, there is a possibility of misconception arising among the learners since they do not understand the content discourse. 
In a classroom, code-switching occurs in the discourse of both teachers and learners. Teacher code-switching happens when the teachers use the learner’s first language as an encouragement to motivate students’ cognitive development. As the teachers realize that their students are confusing and uncomfortable in using the foreign language, teachers need to do code-switching to build students’ confidence and invite participation in the lesson (Alenezi, 2010). Setati (1998, cited in Lim & Presmeg, 2010) mentioned that there are three types of code-switching that the teachers could have done, namely, reformulation, content of activity and translation.
Student code-switching has a function for equivalence, floor-holding, reiteration and conflict control. Equivalence is functioned as a students’ defensive mechanism that gives them a chance to continue communication without any gaps resulting from second language incompetence. The second function is floor holding, which happens when students cannot recall a word in the target language thus they use their mother tongue to continue to communicate. The next function is reiteration, which is used when a student comprehends the content. And the last is conflict control. It has a function to avoid misunderstanding (Alenezi, 2010).
However, too much code-switching might not benefit the learners. As we keep in mind that using English as the medium of teaching and learning has a purpose to be proficient in English, it could hinder that goal. Teachers also have a dilemma of using code-switching. On the one hand, teachers need to make sure that their students understand the content and could communicate actively. On the other hand, it is their duty to make their students fluent in English (Setati & Adler, 2000).
In the Aceh context where English is a foreign language and a third language after Acehnese and Indonesian language, the use of code-switching is highly crucial. Students who are incompetent in English are still a majority, thus they need a lot of support in creating a convenient environment. By having this comfort environment, student will be motivated and able to understand the subject matter consistently with learning language slowly but sure. In South Africa, the use of code-switching in the rural area is least compared to urban area (Setati & Adler, 2000). However, in Aceh the situation is vice versa. It happens because in some rural areas, students still struggle with Indonesian language to understand the lesson. Using English will worsen the condition.  Moreover, the national examination which puts far more pressure on the teachers puts them a lot of responsibility on students’ performance in subject matter. Teachers have to make sure that students understand the lesson. Hence, using code-switching is the answer to improve students’ performance both in content and language.
To sum up, having code-switching in the classroom can be seen as a resource. It gives students an opportunity to understand and comprehend the lesson deeply. It also could link students understanding in their first language to the second language. Moreover, the clarity of a concept can be reach as they understand what the meaning is. However, to maximize the linguistic competencies, code-switching should not be over used. With the proper usage, it supports the dual focus of learning objectives –language and content.

Alenezi, A., (2010). The Effect of code switching on students’ learning experience in the collage of health science: An exploratory study. Annual review of Education, Communication and Language Sciences. Vol 7, 1-22. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from http://research.ncl.ac.uk/ARECLS/vol7_documents/alenezi_vol7.pdf
Bista, K. (2010). Factor of code switching among bilingual English student in the university classroom: A survey. English for Specific Purposes World, Vol 9, issues 29, 1-19. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from www.esp-world.info/Articles_29/Factors.pdf
 Duran, L., (1994). Toward a better understanding of code switching and interlanguage in bilinguality: Implication for bilingual instruction. The Journal of Educational Issues of Language Minority Students, vol 14, 69-88. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from http://www.esp.sube.com/uploads/gz/xw/gzxwS75-c_2VVpmC_Gzr3g/Toward_a_better_understanding_of_code_switching.pdf  
Lim, C. S., & Presmeg, N. (2010, 13th August). Teaching mathematics in two languages: A teaching dilemma of Malaysian Chinese primary school. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Online First. Retrieved September 28, 2010, from SpringerLink database.
Setati, M., & Adler, J. (2000). Betweeen languages and discourse: Language practices in primary multilingual mathematics classrooms in South  Africa. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 43, 243-269. Retrieved September 28, 2010, from http://www.mamokgethi.com/pdf/19pub.pdf
Setati, M., Adler, J., Reed, Y., & Bapoo, A. (2002). Incomplete journeys: code-switching and other language practices in mathematics, science and English language classrooms in South Africa. Language and Education, Vol 16 (2), 128-149. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from www.mamokgethi.com/pdf/17pub.pdf


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