Thursday, March 10, 2011

Conceptual Change

In my perspective, a conceptual change framework is highly crucial to improve science teaching and learning. Findings from a previous studies showed that students are not a passive learner and they learn from their experience to make sense to a phenomena which sometime could lead to a misconception. Since conceptual changed is viewed not only as a process of replacing the old concepts but also a process of learning to relate ideas to appropriate contexts, it is designed to convince the students that some situations that they understand are actually misunderstand. In a conceptual change, students are responsible in constructing their own understanding. It is believed that the dissatisfaction with their prior knowledge is the trigger to a conceptual change. Hence, if the alternative conception which is intelligible, plausible and fruitful is available, accommodation of the new conception might occur.
In order to have good quality science learning, teacher should take into account this conceptual change, considering student conceptual status, a various modeling ability which is useful to identify epistemology and ontology changes and affective factor-to create conducive learning environment. However, it is evident that teachers are still using the traditional approach-transmissive, and not familiar with students’ pre-instructional conception. Thus, teacher development program is needed to change teachers’ view on their teaching and learning practice, therefore, this theory could be part of teachers’ normal routine.


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